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How to install the Startup Disk Creator on Ubuntu
If you want to create a Ubuntu Live USB or if you want to install Ubuntu from a USB drive, most instructions will tell you to use the Startup Disk Creator. I thought that Startup Disk Creator used to...
Valheim "Error bad password:Invalid password" [SOLVED]
I'm setting up a Valheim server and the console messages kept showing an error that said, "valheim "Error bad password:Invalid password". A quick Google Search turned up a thread on Reddit...
I'm getting new hosting from SSDNodes
How to make your Minecraft server running in an LXD container available to the outside world on port 25565 (standard port)
I run my Minecraft installation in an LXC container. That way I can keep it all separate from other stuff. But when you install Minecraft in a container, users won't be able to connect to it until...
How to Make an LXC Container get the same IP address every time it boots
Using Virtualmin and LXD
Using Virtualmin and LXD
Using an NX client through a SSH tunnel SOCKS proxy and other feats of remote usage
Making LXD, Bind, and Virtualmin all work together nicely
This is a followup to an earlier guide on how to get Bind and LXD working together. I consider the old guide obsolete because there seems to be a new step required that I've added here. This...
lxc launch command hangs. I just switched to the Snap version of LXD/LXC
Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page.
Virtualmin has a "minimal" mode for systems with low resources
DNS problem: SERVFAIL looking up A for
Here's four ways to cut circles in wood of any size with jigs you can make yourself
Here are four ways to cut circles in wood of any size and you can make these jigs yourself. I've been wanting to make a round kitchen table for a long time. I thought about buying a pre-made round...
How to install VLC media player on Ubuntu 20.04
I don't think there's a better media player than VLC. It doesn't come preinstalled with Ubuntu Linux, but you can install it by opening up a terminal and running the following command: sudo apt...
Waterboss 900 manual regeneration cycle instructions
I love my Waterboss 900. With no prior plumbing or water softener experience I installed it myself using their easy to follow instructions. Sometimes when I've forgotten to put salt in the chamber I...
Here's why I think "Suicides Among U.S. Kids, Young Adults Jumped 57% in Past Decade"
A recent headline states that "Suicides Among U.S. Kids, Young Adults Jumped 57% in Past Decade". I think that it should be considered that this trend of increased suicide may be...
Did Pharmaceutical Companies Really Pay Schools to Put Kids on Ritalin?
Grape seed and cancer
Remedy for toenail fungus is inexpensive - available at Walmart
Information on eating disorders :: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa
Marriage is Idoltry
Marriage is idoltry. That's right, I said it. Not for everyone, but for many I think that marriage is put on a pedastal as an ideal, an idol in a sense. It's praised and those who marry are...
Glarry 20 Watt Bass Amp Demo Video
Here's a demo of the Glarry 20 watt bass amp. Hear this bassist start off playing an Animals tune on this...
Probably the best deal on a cheap bass guitar
I bought a Glarry bass today. Maybe you haven't heard of Glarry instruments, but they're a musical instrument...
Blackstar Fly 3 video demo and review
Do you want to know what the Blackstar FLY 3 sounds like? This video has it. You can hear it right here.The...
Neville Goddard vs Alan Watts - Jesus of Christianity
I'm listening to an audio recording of Alan Watts and a point he came out with toward the end is that those...
How to list all Snap packages installed on your system
On an Ubuntu system there was some software that I couldn't remember if I installed it using the apt package...
Apparently, somebody thinks they figured out KFC's secret recipe. Here it is.
I'm a fan of copycat recipies, but even if the Coloniel appeared to me in a dream and revealed KFC's secret...
You shouldn't produce content on other sites? Nonsense!
One piece of advice that I gravely regret from my years spent reading forums on internet marketing is the...
Racism, sex-trafficking, and butter
No more Land O' Lakes butter lady. Land O' Lakes has decided to remove the iconic butter lady from their...